Raw Sea Moss

Raw Sea Moss

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$34.00 USD
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$34.00 USD
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Sea Moss is actual moss from the sea! It has 92 of the 102 minerals your body needs.  Its like taking a multi-mineral from the sea. It does so many amazing things, such as promotes regular thyroid function, improves metabolism, circulation, boosts immune function, promotes regular digestion, muscle recovery, healthy sexual function, suppresses appetite and use topically to nourish hair & skin. These are just to name a few of the benefits, there are so many more.....

Ingredients: 100% Raw Dried Sea Moss.

Size: 4 packets. Each packet make 20 oz liquid sea moss when prepared.

Suggested use after prepared: Add 2oz - 4oz (up to 6oz daily) to any liquid, smoothie, dessert or soups after process.  Must be refrigerated. 

Store: Raw Sea Moss should be stored in a cool dry place.

Heads up! Video presentation on how to prepare raw Sea Moss is available & will be emailed after purchase.